
Everyone wants to pass exams in the very first attempt. Especially, for exams which are expensive in nature. NAATI Malayalam exam is an example. The cost of this exam is 800 AUD, which is around 47000 INR. Oops! This is pretty expensive. In this article, we are examining how to ensure that you are passing your NAATI exam in your very first attempt. Some of the ways in which JMSPTE ensures their students are passing in their very first attempt are:

  1. Exam Pattern: The starting point is to understand how the exam is conducted. NAATI is an online technical exam. You must have to understand the technical aspects of the exam for you to pass it in the very first attempt.
  2. Segment wise Response: It is important for you to know how to respond to each segment. In this exam you are expected to interpret two dialogues (full conversation between two people). Each dialogue is further divided into segments. Segments means alternating turns of speech in a conversation between an English speaker and a speaker speaking Language Other Than English (LOTE). You are required to infer the segments from English to LOTE and vice versa. JMS Malayalam NAATI course will teach you exactly how to do this interpretation.
  3. Vocabulary is the key to success: One of the key aspects to pass your Malayalam NAATI is the vocabulary. JMS NAATI will provide you with the repeated vocabulary list in Malayalam, which in turn will help you pass your Malayalam NAATI.
  4. Repeated Dialogues: NAATI keeps repeating the questions. JMS Malayalam NAATI course will provide you with all the past repeated questions. This will instantly increase your chances of passing the Malayalam NAATI exam in your very first attempt.
  5. Practice, Practice, and Practice: Yes. You maybe a born and brought up in Kerala, Maybe fully fluent in Malayalam. But, you must adequately practice before your Malayalam NAATI exam, as there can be surprises in this exam. Moreover, this exam is quite expensive as well to fail.
  6. Study from Experienced: Being Malayalee is just not enough to teach this course. The exam dialogues are real life scenarios in Australia. This means you must be reasonably familiar with the social and other circumstances and culture of Australia.


JMSPTE is owned and operated by Malayalees and have expertise in the Australian education industry. They are permanent residents in Australia, and hence they know the requirements and elements of success in getting you pass the Malayalam NAATI exam in your very first attempt.