100% Computer Based Exam
PTE is a 100% computer-based exam. There is absolutely NO HUMAN INTERVENTION in the evaluation of the exam. This fact has some advantages and disadvantages. Since it is a computer-based exam, the knowledge about how the actual scoring works will help you immensely to get better scores.
Online Booking and Faster Results
You can book your exam after creating an account with PTE Pearson. (https://wsr.pearsonvue.com/testtaker/profile/create/SignUp/PEARSONLANGUAGE?_ga=2.111994884.1220914851.1587274914-1425846560.1586849584) The exam will happen on one single day and the results usually will come out in 5 working days.
20 Different Question Types
PTE has 20 different question types. Speaking: 5 types, Writing: 2 types, Reading 5 types and Listening: 8 types. There is an optional break of 10 minutes after Reading.
Integrated Test
PTE is an integrated test. This means the four components (Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening) are connected with one another. While you are doing “Speaking”, your reading and listening are evaluated. While you are doing your writing, you reading is also evaluated. While you are doing your reading, your writing is also evaluated. While you are doing your Listening, your reading and writing are evaluated. However, speaking can be evaluated ONLY in speaking, and therefore, speaking becomes the most stand-alone independent section in PTE.
Partial Marking and Right or Wrong Marking
PTE has two different types of marking system. One is Partial Marking and the second is “Right or Wrong”. This means some answers can be partially correct or wrong, while some other answers are either correct or wrong. This also has its own advantages or disadvantages for a exam candidate.
Time Based Test
PTE is an English proficiency computer test. It is also a time-based test. Time plays a critical role in you getting the score or you not getting the score. Some questions are individually timed, while some full or partial sections are timed as a single unit. You need to be fully familiar with the time aspects of this exam.
Negative Marking
Some questions types have negative marking. This is built in primarily to avoid potential misuse.
Identification Proof
Passport is the only identification proof acceptable to PTE. You must carry your original passport with you to get admission to the exam hall.
Issues at the Exam Centre
It is quite common that students face issues at the exam centre like faulty equipment, system hanging, low audio volume and so on. Please raise your hands and someone will attend you immediately. You have the rights to discontinue the exam if you are not satisfied with the resolution. You must give a written complaint at the exam centre and obtain an acknowledgement of receipt.
Only One Log In ID
One student can create only one log in ID and password. One should not use multiple email IDs to create multiple log in credentials. If you have multiple IDs, you may still be able to write the exam, but your results will get delayed.
If you have multiple IDs, then you can merge those IDs, by using the option given in the PTE Pearson VUE’s website. (https://pearsonpte.com/contact-us/).